Video - Linking Into Sales to Drive Resources – Using the World’s Largest Business Network

Martin Brossman presented “Linking Into Sales to Drive Resources – Using the World’s Largest Business Network“ a LIVE webisode broadcast, part of Your Local Studio’s Spring 2012 Learning Series on 4/18/12. A few of the topics covered will be: A powerful LinkedIn profile Understanding the power of being pre-screened Using LinkedIn for resources and answers Understanding the […]


5 Ways Sales Professionals Leave Money on the Table by Not Using Linkedin

For years I have been coaching sales professionals, discovering that they used to pay for similar information with less quality than the data that Linkedin is providing now at the free level. More importantly, all sales professionals that I have personally coached have gained clear value and closed more sales when they began using Linkedin correctly. However, I realize that there are many sales executives who are obviously not using Linkedin effectively, i.e., potentially leaving money on the table.


A Unique Gift for Someone of Value in Your Past or Present - A LinkedIn Recommendation

Consider giving a gift for someone in your life that has made a difference in your life. Someone you currently know, have done business with, or just worked with. Someone maybe from 20 years ago that you admired, that stood out as exceptional in some way in your presence. Give them a gift that 50 million people can see.


LinkedIn Best Practices - Enhancing your Profile for a Job Search

Why should you enhance your profile? There are two reasons why. One is to increase your chances of being found. Whether you are in a job search or you are an entrepreneur you need to have a well written profile that can be found when someone searches for someone like you for a need they have. The second reason is that you want to communicate information about you accurately.


If you are going to use LinkedIn for Job Hunting

Someone I knew asked me to allow someone I didn’t know to “get introduced” through me on LinkedIn. I was pleased to help, but when I looked at the job hunter’s profile it looked like they had spent no time on it, or maybe did not know the importance of a full profile.