The Jeff Zelaya Interview - Ep. 045

Greg Hyer and Martin Brossman talk with Jeff Zelaya of Triblio, a content platform startup located in Reston, VA. Jeff comes on the show and shares his insights on social selling. Triblio is a solution to help Sales and Marketing understand the ROI of the content, curated and created, that is shared with prospects. One insight Jeff shares is that prospects read at least 5 pieces of content before contacting a sales person.
Greg, Martin and Jeff discuss the barriers that have been placed between Sales and Marketing and how it’s been a productivity drain for companies for a number of years. Jeff shares his recent blog post that includes a look at 60 sales and marketing solutions that have emerged to help bridge the gap between Sales and Marketing. To read his post please visit “Social Selling Software for the Sales 2.0 Salesperson.”
Jeff surprises Greg and Martin with a sneak-peak at a test Triblio is running with their sales team. Half their sales team is using the traditional cold calling approach to sales and the other is using a social selling approach. We promise that we will have Jeff back again to share the results of their test and what they learned from the two approaches.
Run time: 37:45
The Linking into Sales Social Selling Podcast is a professional development podcast geared towards sales and marketing professionals that use social media tools and networks to support the sales process and help them become more proficient in social selling.
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