Implementing a Social Selling Strategy - Ep. 065

Greg Hyer and Martin Brossman discuss implementing a social selling strategy. This podcast was created in response to an engagement Greg had with Adam Lewites of InsightPool on Twitter. He asked what was the best way to implement a social selling strategy. Listen to this show to understand how activities and results can be tracked and how sales management can be involved in the success of implementing a social selling program.
Greg referenced a previous episode about Social Selling KPIs. Visit Episode 55 - What are Social Selling KPIs to review the KPIs you can use to start measuring your success in social selling.
How are you implementing a social selling strategy? Share your comments below or Tweet us on Twitter using hashtag #LinkingSales65.
Run-time: 18:37
The Linking into Sales Social Selling Podcast is a professional development podcast geared towards sales and marketing professionals that use social media tools and networks to support the sales process and help them become more proficient in social selling.
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