LinkedIn Updates for September 2015 - Ep. 072

Greg Hyer and Martin Brossman get back on to discuss some of the recent changes to LinkedIn. They discuss the new inbox update that is being rolled out. Martin has already received the update and Greg is still waiting. But Greg is seeing a slightly new layout and menu bar and Martin is not. They discuss their findings when Martin sent an animated GIF to Greg via the new messaging inbox but Greg wasn’t able to see the GIF.
They also discuss how LinkedIn’s recent business decisions are less than desirable. This includes how LinkedIn is slowly closing out the developer community and trying to expand it’s market reach. That leads Greg to address the the rise of “market-type social networks” and how they will pick at LinkedIn like how speciality retailers have picked apart Wal-Mart’s business.
Audio Run-time: 26:48
The Linking into Sales Social Selling Podcast is a professional development podcast geared towards sales and marketing professionals that use social media tools and networks to support the sales process and help them become more proficient in social selling.
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