Our First With Google Plus Hangouts On Air - Ep. 020

Join us, Martin Brossman and Greg Hyer, as we discuss a number of the features of Google Plus in this new format. We also try to explain why Google Plus is important now and is a platform you should be spending time on. We help make the case for why Google may have done the greatest thing they could for businesses influence search results.

This episode is available on YouTube in video and on iTunes in audio.

Run Time: 26:53

Consider joining us for a Hangout on Air. Visit our Google+ page and learn when our next hangout will occur.

The Linking into Sales Social Selling Podcast is a professional development podcast geared towards sales and marketing professionals that use social media tools and networks to support the sales process and help them become more proficient in social selling.

It’s Fake I Tell Ya! Fake LinkedIn Profiles- Ep. 014

Greg Hyer and Martin Brossman discuss how to identify fake LinkedIn profiles. Fake profiles cost you time and violate the ethics, trust, and transparency of any community. In this episode, learn several way you can determine if a LinkedIn profile is fake.

[list][list_item icon=”icon-caret-right”]Check if the profile photo is stock or stolen using a Firefox or Google Chrome Extension from TinEye.com.[/list_item]

[list_item icon=”icon-caret-right”]Is the school they listed in their education a real school or typed correctly?[/list_item]

[list_item icon=”icon-caret-right”]Do they actually work for the company that is listed in the profile?[/list_item]

[list_item icon=”icon-caret-right”]Are the profile listed in “People Also Viewed” also fake?[/list_item]


Greg and Martin share some investigative work they recently did so that you know what to look out for.

Run time: 13:26

Watch the video above to see the fake profile we discovered and how we figured it out.

Post Updated December 8, 2020 to correct formatting and link to the new location of the YouTube view Greg and Martin recorded in 2011 about fake LinkedIn profiles.